I conduct meta EA research on community building and career advice (Local Career Advice Network). I'm interested in growing the EA community sustainably and addressing structural issues. I also work on expanding EA to developing countries.
I love meeting new EAs so reach out!
- Share thoughts on movement-building & the current meta EA landscape, especially the career advice landscape
- Can help with talking through problems or roadblocks
- Connect you to resources/others in the community
- Talk to me about your thoughts on the biggest coordination and/or networking needs in the EA community. Is there a specific need you have that is not being met?
- Help the EA Hub find UX volunteers and more experienced tech volunteers (Details here: https://bit.ly/eahub-openroles)
- Advice on being a good people manager or product manager
Cause Areas
- Farmed animal welfare
- Global priorities research
- Climate change
- EA community building
- Improving institutional decision making
- Biosecurity
Building EA communities
- Giving What We Can
- Research
- Operations
- Movement building
- Event planning and logistics
- Sociology
- Research
- Entrepreneurship
- Operations
- Management
- Sociology
- EA group organizers
- People of color
- People managers
- Entrepreneurs
- Operations managers
- Women/non-binary people
- Movement building
- Building EA communities